Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Week!

On December 21, 2008, Hannah had her Christmas play at Calvary Chapel Surprise. She was a star. She had three lines in the play. She did a great job! I was so proud of her. All the kids worked really hard and did a great job. Later that evening, we went to the Christmas dinner at Calvary Chapel Surprise! Jimmy was able to call in late so he was able to come. It was so nice to have him with us!

The next set of pictures are on December 23rd. We were able to go to the Nutcracker Ballet at Symphony Hall. Jimmy actually went with us too! It was really nice. Brea and Jim stuck it out and didn't complain once. It was really beautiful. Then the last few pictures are from Christmas. We were very blessed! It was a great day!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This weekend has been another fun weekend. Breanna had her Christmas Party for Calvary Chapel Surprise. She said she had a blast. Hannah went to a Convalescent home. They walked there and sang on the way. The elder people loved it! When they got back they roasted marshmellows and had cake at Lynn's house. It was nice! It was also a beautiful night. We couldn't of asked for a more perfect night! Thank you Lord!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Girls Scout Field Trip at Desert Botanical Gardens

We went yesterday to the Desert Botanical Gardens right next to the Phoenix Zoo. The girls had a great time! Here are some pictures of our field trip. The glass was beautiful! Some artist made the sculptures. They were absolutely gorgeous! It was very interesting. They shipped each piece and put one by one together. They also light up at night! It would have been nice to see!

Monday, December 1, 2008


These pictures are not in any particular order. This is something new to me. I have been trying to set this up for quite sometime. Thanks to Tanya she has helped me out a lot. She actually made some modifications for me so it looks pretty. As I get to know the system, it will become easier. I just thought I would add these pictures so you can see what we have been up to. Stay tune..Brea is now in Volleyball Club and I will be posting her fancy moves. Hannah will be doing things with the girls scouts. I will keep you posted. Thank you! God Bless You!